Unreasoning Reasons

There is a joke about an argument between a man and his wife. The man had set his heart on buying a new set of golf clubs, but his wife was against it saying that he didn’t need them. The argument went on and on, with the wife saying that he didn’t need them but merely wanted them.


Finally, in exasperation, he said, “Heck, woman, I don’t need you but I want you. It’s the same thing.”


He got his golf clubs.


This goes only to show how emotional we human beings are. Even when we think we are thinking logically, there is likely an underlying emotional reason.


Consider the formal letter: we must write courteously or the reader will be offended. A slight insult to the boss could eventually result in the offender being among the first to be retrenched when business is poor. Business meetings are usually punctuated with “I feel this, I feel that” or “I feel that the Production Department should improve on their planning”. Remember this song? Feelings, nothing more than feelings… Notice that the word feeling is practically the same as emotion.


If we like something, we will find a reason to acquire it; if we don’t like it, we will come up with a reason to reject it: first the emotion, then the reason, not the other way round.


Many words have emotional content – they are called emotive words. A person can be called a blooming idiot, stupid, dull or a slow learner depending on the attitude of the speaker towards that person. Words such as fantastic, lovely, lousy and yucky are not neutral comments; they are laden with feelings. Thus, a particular choice of words may influence the outcome because the words affect us emotionally.


Part of clouded thinking is a result of the halo effect. If an employer likes a particular employee more than another, what the favoured employee does is viewed in a more positive light, while what the other employee produces is not viewed as favourably. That is why first impressions are important in job interviews.


Many of the world’s problems stem from fuzzy thinking and subjective judgement that seek justification in rationalizing. Many of us are calm and sensible, but we are not always aware that it is our heart that controls our mind and not vice versa, although we like to think it is so.


Let me end my speech with this prose.


Our hearts and minds are like Tom and Jerry.

One works thru thinking.

The other works thru feelings.

That’s why they are not in harmony.

So, let’s strive for peace within us.

Before we can see peace around us.


Thank you



*开场白*今天,我要和大家 谈尊师重道

心理学家佛洛伊德曾说:“人生,分成三个部分 ――自我、本我和超我,青少年正属于自我这个阶段。”然而,这并不代表青少年就应该是自我的。
















*开场白* 今天,我要和大家谈谈健康生活














在此,向要和大家分享一则小故事:有一个人,从广场出来后,发现车子不见了,他没有慌慌张张找车子,也没有怨天佑人哀叹自己倒霉,而是很高兴地说:“啊哈! 我终于有机会欢新车子啦!”






在座的各位,要活出健康人生,除了摄取营养食物,更重要的是摄取精神粮食。各位,别再为自己找借口,别再用“忙”来当挡箭牌。我们的生活不应该只有追追赶赶和匆匆忙忙。 请善待自己,让自己有喘息的时间,让自己有沉淀的机会。您可以选择阅读一本书,出席一场音乐会,观赏一部电影,或参与一项慈善活动。通过心灵上与精神上的充实,生活才能过得更健康。



































大会主席, 各位评判老师, 各位老师和同学们, 大家早上好.


六年前, 在不到半年的时间内, 政府仓促推行英语教数理政策. 六年后, 副首相兼教育部长慕尤丁宣布: 政府决定从2012年开始恢复小学母语教数理, 中学则以国语教数理.


今天, 我想和在座的各位谈谈<<废除英语教数理之我见>>.


我认为, 数理科不是一门简单易懂的科目, 而刚接触数理科的小学生们应该以他们最能够掌握的语文作为学习数理科的媒介语. 联合国教科文组织和教育学者的研究都认为孩子以本身的母语学习数理科才能达到最好的学习效果. 因此, 我认为用母语教授小学生数理科是利大于弊的.


在小学用母语为学生的数理科奠下良好基础后, 在接下来的六年中学生涯中, 我认为学生应该以英语学习数理科, 以便日后更加容易衔接大学课程.


在现今国际社会里, 英语的掌握很重要, 懂得将英语应用在学科和日常生活中的人, 更能提升自己在社会上及职场上的竞争力. 因此, 用六年的中学, 让莘莘学子习惯英语教学, 做好与国际接转的准备, 日后才不至于削弱他们的就业与竞争条件.


当初, 政府在仓促之下决定使用英语教数理, 民间团体反对与质疑的声浪从不间断, 华社更提出这项政策会削弱华小的数理优势, 模糊了华小特征, 而影响华教的发展. 然而, 我们由始至终都不反对学生应该加强英文水平.


各位, 孩子的教育关系着国家的未来. 如今, 教育部提出这项决策, 解决了之前的争议, 身为人民的我们也应该致力配合, 以实现一个马来西亚的概念.



* 这一篇… 抄回来的。因为来时要我写这样的题目,功课又很多,老师很凶,不敢违命,只好把几篇社论参起来讲,厉害吧~嘻嘻~

Budi Bahasa dan Nilai-nilai Murni

Malaysia itu adalah Negara

Terbina dari rasa hormat

Memahami dan saling mengerti

Berilmu dan bercinta

Berbudi dan berbahasa


Terima kasih Puan Pengerusi Majlis, panel hakim yang arif lagi bijaksana,   Tajuk syarahan saya pada hari ini ialah Budi Bahasa dan Nilai-nilai Murni.


Hadirin sekalian,

Sejak zaman berzaman, generasi tua terasuh dengan budaya dan adat sopan yang menitikberatkan nilai-nilai budi dalam setiap perbuatan dan pergaulan. Mereka sentiasa meletakkan budi bahasa sebagai pelengkap terhadap kehidupan berhemah.


Namun, nilai-nilai murni dan budi bahasa semakin terhakis dan adab kesopanan semakin terkikis sehinggakan kerajaan terpanggil untuk mewujudkan “Kempen Budi Bahasa dan Nilai-nilai Murni”, bagi memulihkan keadaan ini semula.


Hadirin yang dihormati,

Memang sewajarnya generasi kini dan akan datang perlu diberi peringatan tentang betapa pentingnya amalan berbudi bahasa dan nilai murni agar tidak terjerumus dalam kegiatan yang bertentangan dengan budaya murni masyarakat Malaysia.


Hal ini demikian kerana dewasa ini keadaan sosial dan kesedaran sivik masyarakat umum semakin mencemaskan. Sikap manusia semakin ego, biadab, dan kasar sehingga sanggup membunuh kerana kesalahan yang kecil. Urusan di kaunter perkhidmatan tidak kagi dilayan dengan mesra dan senyuman. Orang muda tidak lagi menunjukkan hormat kepada orang tua, dan orang tua pula tidak lagi menunjukkan nilai-nilai baik yang dapat dijadikan ikutan orang muda.


Budi bahasa yang baik serta nilai-nilai murni perlu dikekalkan untuk mewujudkan rasa hormat antara satu sama lain. Biarlah kita kekal dengan budaya Timur yang tidak akan lapuk dek zaman.


Budi bahasa dan amalan murni tidak boleh bercambah dengan membiarkan dalam keadaan yang sedia ada. Rakyat dan kerajaan mesti berjuang bersama-sama untuk mewujudkan masyarakat yang berhemah dan berbudi.


Sebelum saya mengakhiri syarahan saya, saya ingin menyampaikan serangkap pantun yang berbunyi:

Sayang sampan patah berbunyi

Memburu rusa di Pulau Angsa

Indah tampan kerana budi

Tinggi bangsa kerana bahasa

* 这是临时改的稿, 用了不到三天来背… 所以呈现出来的效果不好.

Ibu Bapa Pemangkin Modal Insan Cemerlang

Terima kasih Puan Pengerusi Majlis, panel hakim yang arif lagi bijaksana, guru-guru dan rakan-rakan seperjuangan, selamat sejahtera pembuka bicara. Tajuk syarahan saya pada hari ini ialah Ibu Bapa Pemangkin Modal Insan Cemerlang.


Hadirin sekalian,

Ibu bapa diibaratkan tiang sandaran konkrit yang melindungi anak-anak daripada segala pancaroba mayapada ini. Insan yang bertanggungjawab mengetuai sebuah keluarga digelar bapa, manakala insan yang berkewajipan menguruskan rumah tangga pula digelar ibu. Ibu bapa merupakan guru pertama dalam kehidupan anak-anak yang masih darah setampuk pinang dan tidak mampu membezakan antara intan dengan kaca. Anak-anak ibarat kain putih, ibu bapalah yang membentuknya sama ada menjadi nasrani atau majusi. Dalam hal ini, ibu bapa perlu memberikan sepenuh kasih saying kepada anak-anak.


Masyarakat era kontemporari acap kali memandang enteng tentang peri pentingnya pendidikan agama dalam kalangan anak-anak. Lebih-lebih lagi, ibu bapa kini begitu taksub dengan ilmu dunia dan melupakan pendidikan akhirat untuk anak-anak. Lantaran itu, anak-anak tidak akan mengetahui tentang konsep “syurga terletak di bawah telapak kaki ibu.” Ibu bapa merupakan tiang, tunggak dan pasak yang paling berharga dalam membina modal insan yang berkualiti. Ibu bapa harus menerapkan didikan agama dalam diri anak-anak sejak mereka masih kecil lagi, bak pepatah “melentur buluh, biarlah dari rebungya.”


Hadirin sekalian,

“Berikan saya sepuluh remaja, nescaya saya akan gegarkan dunian ini”. Begitulah ungkapan yang dikatakan oleh mantan Presiden Indonesia, Soekarno. Ungkapan ini menggambarkan betapa gahnya peranan remaja sebagai penentu pembangunan dan kemajuan Negara pada masa depan. Pendidikan yang diterima anak-anak membolehkan mereka membezakan yang baik dengan yang buruk, yang halal dengan yang haram, yang berfaedah dengan yang membuang masa. Dengan pendidikan sempurna iaitu pendidikan sekular mahupun akhirat yang dihidangkan oleh ibu bapa, maka anak-anak yang merupakan harta Negara akan membawa visi kudsi Nrgara dalam merealisasikan Wawasan 2020.


Hadirin sekalian,

Akhir kalam, sebelum sauh di labuhkan, izinkan saya deduksikan syarahan saya pada hari ini. Ibu bapa adalah penentu kepada modal insan yang cemerlang. Sebelum nasi menjadi bubur, eloklah kita menjangkau sehabis tangan dan menggembleng tenaga untuk membina institusi keluarga yang bahagia. Jadikanlah konsep “Rumahku Syurgaku” sentiasa terpahat dalam setiap sanubari warga Malaysia bagi menjana modal insan Negara yang cemerlang, gemilang dan terbilang.


Sekian, terima kasih.

* 关于这篇演讲稿, 我实在也没有什么好说的, 过了很久, 都忘光了.
* 还是那句老话: 选一篇自己喜欢的稿, 信心慢慢地呈现出来.
* 这篇稿, 其实我是觉得上文不接下文, 但是老师们都觉得没问题… 那就没问题咯… 


大会主席, 各位评判老师, 大家下午好. 今天, 我们来谈谈<<播种与收获>>.


当我还是一个小学生时, 外婆常常对我说这么一句话: 一分耕耘, 一分收获. 年纪小小的我, 不晓得什么是耕耘, 也不晓得什么是收获. 但是, 随着年龄的增长, 我领悟到了当中的意思.


天下, 没有免费的午餐. 任何光荣和成就背后, 都有着我们看不到的辛酸. 我校管乐团获奖无数, 也多次成功举办演奏会. 然而, 这并不是一朝一夕得来的荣耀, 而是长时间努力得来的成果. 我校篮球组实力非凡, 多次参加各大大小小的比赛, 更获得不俗的成绩. 然而, 这也不是侥幸得来的, 而是要经过多少在日晒雨淋中苦练的日子啊!


在座的各位, 你们是否有听过这么一段歌曲呢? “不经历风雨/ 怎么见彩虹/ 没有人能随随便便成功…” 是的, 没有人可以随随便便地成功. 发明大王爱迪生不也是说过吗? “一个人的成功, 靠的是1%的幸运和99%的努力.”


著名钢琴家郎朗被誉为中国的莫扎特. 我们看见的是外表光鲜的, 穿着燕尾服的他. 但是, 有谁知道他背后付出了多少的努力呢? 为了实现当钢琴家的梦想, 郎朗的一天, 除了上学, 用餐, 数小时的休息时间之外, 就是不断地练琴. 一天十几个小时的练习时间把他的手指给弄伤了, 把他给累垮了, , 就凭他那永不放弃的念头, 成就了今天伟大的钢琴家 郎朗!


试想想, 若郎朗先生没有付出代价, 不曾付出努力, 今天, 会有一位如此出色的钢琴家吗?


<<拾穗>>校讯中曾有过一句话令我印象深刻: 没有艰辛的播种, 又怎么会有拾穗的期待与喜悦? 凡事都有前因后果. 播下什么种子, 就会得到什么果实.


第一次考试结束了. 有些同学考得不理想, 但只懂得埋怨, 而不静下心来想想: 是什么原因让他们考砸了呢?


昨天已成为历史, 未来有些遥远, 就让我们把握现在, 从现在开始播下种子, 再辛勤地耕种. 那么, 在美好的未来里, 我们才能收获累累的果实.




** 这是最近校内比赛的讲稿. 写到很差…

Teenage Rebellion?

The old believe everything. The middle-aged suspect everything. The young know everything. Nothing is mysterious for kids anymore: they are familiar with everything to do with sex, violence and adult corruption from an early age. Teenage rebellion? Well, as they say it is.


We all have to understand that a young person is full of fire and determination. They are full of energy, which makes them always wanting to do things that are challenging. Sometimes, they would not accept the direction and guidance offered to them by adults because they would want to do it their own way as they think they are mature enough to handle it themselves. To this extent, it makes adults brush this behavior as rebellious. The period of adolescence is nestled between childhood and adulthood. Needless to say, youth is one of the most precious of a person’s life, and yet one of the most difficult.


In daily life, we teenagers are facing some difficulties impressing our parents. Whatever we do, to adults, it’s always mere rebellion. It is difficult for teenagers because we tend to feel not being treated seriously and being looked down by adults. We are not trying to just show our abilities or under the influence of our peers, but we are trying to obtain the freedom to explore life, to learn from our own mistakes to venture into life and experience the beauty of it.


It’s unhealthy to look us in a world of our over-protective parents, which they think is the only existing place that is safe enough for us. They tend to forbid us to make our own decision, thinking we are still immature babies. But think of it, the way they are treating us, isn’t it a little over-reacting?


In my case, I’m actually very lucky as my parents truly encourage and support me. They never once forbid me in doing the things that would enable me to grow up, to mature as a teenager. From this, I learned to fully take responsibility in whatever I do, to also protect my body and mind from the danger of this world.


We must understand that the youths always strive to be the very best. In some way to adults, they seem to be rebellious, of course some youths strive to do things that are wrong, but most of them have the determination and they should always follow their hearts in whatever they do. But parents should also give them the guidance and to also impose discipline to their children, if not, as the saying goes, if you spare the cane and you’ll spoil the child. In terms, we must com to accept, that teenage rebellion is just a part of life.

** 要讲这篇稿… 首先要有一颗叛逆的心… 后来, 要有一点感恩的心.
** 比赛的时候撞稿… 雪愿还跟我说另外一个参赛者发音很标准… 死没有… 发音是我的死穴…
** 成绩出来很搞笑… 两个人讲一模一样的东西, 内容分数不一样的… 没有标准的… 不要小器…
** 我很骄傲的… 又好像有点个性酱… 很有自己的style的… 动作永远很夸张… so far… 我的style在比赛时接受度蛮高的… 哈哈… 可是我们就是要知道长处和短处. 我知道我自己的发音不好, 如果可以讲生动一点拉高分数的话, 也可以啊…

You Can, If You Think You Can!

Honourable judges, teachers, my fellow students and friends – good afternoon! My topic today is “You Can, If You Think You Can!


Many of us do not believe in ourselves. We are surrounded by friends and family who believe in us, yet we lack the confidence to take on new challengers. In fact, we are our own worst enemies. We don’t need any other foes to bring us down. I know this comes as a shock to most of you, but what I say is true.


Sometimes, when we are chosen to be prefects or head of school clubs, there is always something which makes us turn it down. We feel that we can’t take on challenges because we are not good enough. We’re not clever enough, or pretty enough… the list of handicaps is endless. So it is always better to turn it down or postpone it to another day.


But do we really believe that if we postpone starting something new by a day, or a week, or a year, we are going to wake up one day and suddenly be ready to take on whatever challenge life throws at us? I don’t think so!


Have you ever seen a bumble bee fly? It is fat and flies heavily and clumsily in unsure circles. Well, scientists have calculated that aerodynamically impossible for the bumble bee to take off, let alone fly! But nobody told the bumble bee, because it is happily flying still! And it flies because it thinks it can fly – that is the moral of this story.


Your family and friends may not be with you all your life, but you will. So be proud your own best friend.


Remember – nobody’s perfect. So learn to love yourself. Build on your strengths and work on your weaknesses.


And if you fail, never say die! When the going gets tough, the tough gets going! Pick yourself up and try again!


My dear friends – life is what you make of it. Only you can decide if the cup is half empty or half full. Grab life’s challenges as they come, and turn them into opportunities. But this will not happen if you do nothing – because you were too afraid to try!


Remember – you can do anything you set your mind to! You can, if you think you can!


Thank you!

** 这个是我初一的时候用的. 很多人喜欢这篇稿, 其实我没有很喜欢…
** "think"的"th"我常常发不到… 沮丧… 现在好一点了…
** 我记得miss yee 给我练习的时候, 她叫我要相信自己和自己的稿. 从那时候开始我才知道"爱稿"很重要! 他问我, 相信自己可以进入top 10吗? 为了不让他失望, 我就随便答"相信". 其实不相信的… 然后他再跟我说, 既然你相信你就一定可以. you can , if you think you can. 结果, 真的可以哦…
** 酱子的稿已经很有说服力了, 但是要怎样讲到生动咧? 靠你咯! 这篇稿… 记得! 要笑! 越开心越好! 不过不要太假啦!
** 我记得我比赛的时候, 于恩学姐在台下和我一起比手划脚的, 很感动…